Reece Grant Report

Here is a report of our last project in Zambia which was made possible by the partnership of Reece and Hopes and Dreams. Project Highlights:

  • Reece gave a grant of $31,440 in July 2019
  • The project commenced Aug 2019
  • This dual project was implemented & commissioned in Oct 2019 in a rural community called “Chinsanka”, reaching 10,000 beneficiaries.
  • This piped water scheme (PWS) is very different to traditional water projects, instead of the community going to the one access point (hand pump) and waiting in line (upto 4 hours) to get their water our model brings the water to
  • The PWS covered 8km has 63 access points (ie. taps), each tap is approx 200-250m apart, each tap serves approx 36 households (ie. 220 people)
  • Equipment – had 4 x 5,000 Lt tanks on a 6M tank stand with 6 x 320Watt solar panels, a handwashing station and a chlorination system (ie. treatment kiosk)
  • Each person can receive 5Lt of clean water
  • Opening ceremony had 500 attend, in attendance were area councillors, chiefs, environmental health technicians and other community influencers
  • A Management Water Point Committee was established for the whole Chinsanka project, the committee consisted of 8 members (4men/4women)
  • The project also created 2 paid attendant roles, their responsibility is to daily check on system, they receive 20% of revenue from water
  • Our projects are sustainable as the community users contribute $0.30 per 1,000
  • Hopes and Dreams puts in a place a strategy so that the new water supply can be sustainable long term, and when we move onto another community to help them in the same way, this community can manage things on their
  • This was Zambia’s largest PWS, no other project has as many access points or served so many This project received recognition from the Ministry of Health.

The large community of Chinsanka had hand pumps that were either broken or non-operational.

The Community would walk to the local river to collect water, as you can see they would also clean clothes there and wash themselves.

This has to stop! The members of this rural and remote community have not much options BUT now with this project accessing dirty water will be history. These valuable lives will not be doing this anymore

These are vulnerable precious children. Hopes and Dreams is deliberate in targeting the poorest of the poor.

Here these children have used a small trap to catch lunch.

This little champion has been creative to make his own little toy car.

These are the members of the Water Point Management Committee. This is critical for project ownership and for establishing the expectations and responsibilities. They represent the community, their role involves consulting with key community leaders and ensure that the project is operational and sustainable.

One of them has been employed as the caretaker.

Now the hard work begins. Plenty going on as the 8 km trenches are being dug by hand (no hoe machinery here!).

The community is not able to contribute financially but they are willing to contribute labour towards their new water source.

An exciting day, the truck arrives with the all the equipment, (piping, tanks and solar panels). We use the latest technology to power the pump and deliver the water to the whole community. This piped water scheme is powered by solar renewable energy.

The plumbing is put in place. One of the water specialists (from our implementation partner’s team) checks that all the piping joints are secure so clean water can flow.

The tank tower -this big boy holds the overflow tanks. 5,000 Lt overflow tanks (x4) to continue servicing the community once the sun goes down. The crowds are already coming. There’s a buzz on the ground of what’s about to come.

The tap is secured in a “tapstand”. Inside the tapstand is a water
meter. Based on the usage the household will make a small contribution for the water accessed. The funds collected goes into a treasury managed by a village water point management committee. These funds are there for any minor maintenance.

A chlorinated control centre – This adds chlorine to the water to disinfect the borehole and reduces bacteria.
We can say goodbye to water borne diseases 😊.

Hopes and Dreams takes water seriously, we have an independent laboratory test the water quality to ensure it meets WHO standards and is safe for human consumption. These results are stamped by the Ministry of Health.

A 3 day WASH (Water and Sanitation Hygiene) education was conducted with about 60 participants.

Content includes; WASH related diseases, effective hand washing, how to make and keep water safe, infant and women’s health, as well as environmental hygiene. Plus Operations and maintenance training.

Here we have the village leader watering a new plant. Water is Life!

Opening Ceremony. This was a historic day for the Chinsanka community. The ribboin was cut by the village headman.

Our project also included a hand washing station with 4 basins. This was built so the community can adopt the new hygiene practices that has been educated by our team. There is also signage (in local language) on how to wash hands properly and when.

Here we have opening address, thanking Hopes and Dreams and their partners Reece for the t-shirts.

The H+D team decided to donate 10 Aussie soccer balls to the kids, but there were so many children and schools that wanted the new balls, so they ran a drawing competition showing how access to new water would improve their lives.

Here are the winners. Look at those smiles.

We thanks Reece for the 100 t-shirts donated, the children and the community leadership were very grateful and wore them with happiness.

The households accessing their own water point.

This is what it’s about!
Precious children enjoying what many of us take for granted.

These kids are smiling because they now no longer have to walk km’s to fetch water and more importantly it’s now safe clean water.

Clean water now within hundreds of meters. Access for all.
No more being denied this basic human right.

Thank you Reece